As a recent article points out, Federated Wireless has begun trials with several partners with its Spectrum Access System (SAS) within the FCC’s 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Services (CBRS) band. We continue to see interest from both traditional and non-traditional operators to test within the band. Our main goals with these trials are:
1) To prove our technology. Our CINQ XP platform uses a Spectrum Access System (SAS) to dynamically allocate and manage spectrum resources, while an Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) is essential to open access to the 3.5 GHz band nationwide in order to ensure interference-free operation for federal incumbents and other users.
2) To continue to grow and build confidence in the 3.5 GHz ecosystem. Siemens and Telrad Networks have already signed agreements to work with our CINQ XP platform, demonstrating the potential success of shared spectrum services in the 3.5 GHz band. We expect several others to sign on this year. We are also collaborating with major companies such as Google, Intel, Nokia, Qualcomm, and Ruckus Wireless through the CBRS Alliance and the Wireless Innovation Forum (WinnForum) to test within the band, and continue to work toward raising awareness of this new approach to democratizing spectrum.
3) To validate the shared spectrum business model. The FierceWireless article noted that there was some doubt with a shared spectrum model: “some commenters in the FCC’s Spectrum Frontiers millimeter wave proceeding said they did not want the 3.5 GHz spectrum sharing model to be replicated in the millimeter wave bands in part because it’s still unproven.” This is why these trials will be critical. Our CEO Iyad Tarazi responded: “From my perspective, it’s more important right now to enable 3.5, to enable the model, to enable the technology and as people get comfortable with it, I think you’ll see more and more adopt it.”
Federated Wireless will continue the trials and planning into next year and we expect to start seeing commercial use by 2018. We fully expect the value of adopting this new model of wireless networks to be quickly realized – within the 3.5 GHz band and others.