Tarana Harnesses Federated Wireless’s Advanced Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) for High-Power Fixed Wireless Broadband Operation

ARLINGTON, Va., June 26, 2024 – Federated Wireless, the leader in shared spectrum and private wireless solutions, is thrilled to announce Tarana has become its latest customer. Tarana will leverage…

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Press Releases

101 results found

Federated Wireless at Forefront of Wireless Industry Charge Towards CBRS Commercialization

Company Reveals Broad Industry Adoption for Initial Commercial Deployment; Addresses FCC’s Installation Requirement with Introduction of New Training Program

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Federated Wireless and Airspan Announce Long-Term Shared Spectrum Collaboration

Federated Wireless, a leading shared spectrum technology provider, and Airspan, a leading provider of Advanced LTE small cells and small cell backhaul solutions, today announced a long-term collaboration agreement aimed at enabling organizations pursuing opportunities within the emerging shared spectrum…

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Federated Wireless and BLiNQ Tackle Key Shared Spectrum Markets

Federated Wireless, the leader in spectrum management software, and BLiNQ Networks (a CCI Company), a pioneer in low-cost, high-capacity LTE Wireless Access (FWA) solutions, today announced a new cooperation agreement that will allow BLiNQ to offer an integrated shared spectrum…

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You don’t need high grade Navy radar systems to spot which companies just achieved another industry milestone for customers

Verizon, Ericsson, Federated Wireless and Qualcomm are industry leaders in making CBRS a reality in a live, commercial network environment.

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“Plug & Play” Private LTE for CBRS launched by Accelleran, Federated Wireless and Athonet

Accelleran, Federated Wireless and Athonet demonstrate a full end-to-end, plug-and-play commercial LTE network that is self-deployable by everyday users using AWS.

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Verizon Takes Industry Lead in Working with Key Partners to Drive Advancements on CBRS Spectrum

Leading companies and vendors from across the wireless industry have come together at Verizon’s facility in Irving, Texas to accelerate using 4G LTE technology over the CBRS (Citizen Band Radio Spectrum) spectrum.

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102 results found

From the AWS Studio at MWC Barcelona 2023: Unlocking the Value of the Edge from Development to Deployment

Over the last 17 years, the cloud became the essential tool for businesses. AWS has been leading this charge in delivering cloud value propositions to traditional IT customers, providing cost efficiencies, agility, scale, security, and reliability to those who use…

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5G network

Private Wireless Starter Networks: Start Small and Fast, Scale Smarter

Private wireless networks are increasingly being adopted by enterprises in need of reliable and secure connectivity solutions tailored to their specific needs. While some deployments are straightforward, many enterprises have more complex use cases that require thoughtful implementations. Often, these…

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Phone sending out a signal in a matrix styled shopping mall.

6 Key Considerations for Determining Your Private Network Needs

Private wireless network is becoming increasingly popular in today’s connected world, as organizations and enterprises seek more secure and reliable alternatives to public networks. What is a Private Wireless Network? A private wireless network is a dedicated network that allows…

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From the AWS Studio at MWC Barcelona 2023: Private Wireless Networks of the Future

Nothing beats bringing together the brightest minds in cloud networking and observability for a conversation about the future of private wireless. At Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2023, our Chief Technology Officer, Kurt Schaubach, and our Chief Development Officer, Sepehr Mehrabanzad,…

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Making Waves at Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2023

Our successful visit to Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2023 made one thing clear: private wireless and shared spectrum have truly “arrived” … and nothing can stop our momentum in this space. Alongside our partners at AWS, we issued key…

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How Wi-Fi 6E Proliferation Can Lead to Better-Performing Wi-Fi Networks

This article originally appeared in Light Reading, here. From its earliest days, the Wi-Fi industry has had a kind of frontier mentality when it came to managing unlicensed airspace: “Let device makers do as they please,” the thinking went, “and…

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Media coverage

331 results found

Aug 19, 2021

Anterix, Federated Offer Integrated 900 MHz CBRS Services for Utilities

Anterix (NASDAQ: ATEX) announced this week that electric utilities will now have access to a new offering for accelerating efforts to deploy private wireless broadband networks.

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Aug 19, 2021

Anterix, Federated Offer Integrated 900 MHz CBRS Services for Utilities

Anterix (NASDAQ: ATEX) announced this week that electric utilities will now have access to a new offering for accelerating efforts to deploy private wireless broadband networks.

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Aug 17, 2021

Anterix, Federated Wireless Pair with CBRS for Utility 900 MHz

Anterix and Federated Wireless have partnered on a private cellular network for utilities, working on multiband products that combine dedicated 900MHz spectrum and spectrum sharing expertise and services for licensed and unlicensed CBRS.

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Aug 17, 2021

Anterix, Federated Wireless Pair with CBRS for Utility 900 MHz

Anterix and Federated Wireless have partnered on a private cellular network for utilities, working on multiband products that combine dedicated 900MHz spectrum and spectrum sharing expertise and services for licensed and unlicensed CBRS.

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Aug 14, 2021

Federation Wireless Demo with Shared Spectrum $ 12 Million 5G Private Network Pilot

Federated Wireless recently successfully demonstrated the US Marine Corps base Albany 5G testbed for the US Department of Defense (DoD) through the use of 5G-enabled IoT applications such as warehouse robotics, holographic, enhanced, and virtual reality applications.

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Aug 14, 2021

Federation Wireless Demo with Shared Spectrum $ 12 Million 5G Private Network Pilot

Federated Wireless recently successfully demonstrated the US Marine Corps base Albany 5G testbed for the US Department of Defense (DoD) through the use of 5G-enabled IoT applications such as warehouse robotics, holographic, enhanced, and virtual reality applications.

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